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How can I apply for a high rank

Simply go about creating your character like normal listing their desired rank along with everything else. Once finished fill out the audition form, within it say you are applying for said high rank and use your role play sample to role play that character performing their duties. The admin will read over you audition and either deny or approve your character for that rank. You must be active in order to hold a high rank.


Can my character be a pirate clan leader?

Yes, if there is a clan open you can apply to be a pirate clan leader through the same method listed above.


How do I join a pirate clan?

Either list the clan you want to be apart of in your character's alliance section, in their profile, upon joining, or have an IC thread with a high ranking member of that clan and ask to be accepted.


Can my character belong to Veno Cult?

Yes, simply list that they are a member in their alliance and they will be added as a member.


Can I apply to be a Veno Cult Leader?

Yes, you would go about doing this the same way you'd apply for other high ranks.


Can I be a Half Human Half Deity?

Yes, halfings are allowed on FAAB. However, keep in mind that they will not be as strong as a full deity. They will also gain their human parent's mortality. They won't be as as easy to kill as a human, but they are no where near as immortal as a full fledged Deity. They will die from old age like a human, however their lifespan is doubled.


How do I get my species added to the list of animals?

By posting your animal's information in a thread in the Suggestion board, or messaging the admin account with the animal's information. A staff member will then approve or deny your creature, or list things that need to be improved.


How do I fill out my profile?

See the explanation listed in the audition thread HERE


Where is the character profile?

To locate your character's profile simply click on their name in a post, or select button located under the banner called Profile.





What are Quest?

On Free As A Bird members can quest for certain items, weapons, or animal. These quests are given out by the staff and are unique to each member OOC, in character your character seeks out the Oracle a wise old woman who is said to poses mysterious powers and know all. Humans and deities alike seek her own in hopes that she can point them in the right direction. The Oracle will give quests in the form of challenges, riddles, tasks, or other creative events your character must face IC in order to gain the desired thing they seek. See here for more information.


Why are they important?

Quest allow you to gain items that are normally hard or impossible to acquire through any other means, they also help to advance plots and character development.


How do I go on a Quest?

Create a thread at the Oracular Isles, the Oracle will then reply and give your character a Quest.


Where Does my Quest Bigin? All Quests begin with your character going to the Isles and talking to the Oracle, after this the Quest can take place anywhere in the FAAB world.


When I finish my thread at the Isles, where do I post my Quest?

In the thread where your character meets the Oracle you will be given instructions, in and out of character, on where to post your Questing thread.


Who can go on the Quest with me?

Other members cannot join in on your thread and aid you unless specified by the Oracle (If you want characters involved for plot sake this can be arranged, simply specify this in your first post). Other then this they cannot be allowed in the thread unless they are impeding you.


Can people block my way?

Yes, but they must first seek your permission before entering your thread. However, people with certain ranks such as a thief or deity can crash your thread and add a new obstacle for your character to overcome without your permission. The staff member overseeing your quest, helping it to advance farther along by playing the NPC's involved, are also allowed to post as many trials and obstacles as they want (while remaining fair).


How do I succeed in a Quest?

The success of quest is later judged by the staff in charge of the quest based on these factors.
Ingenuity: How well your character over came and solved your problems and trials.
Realism: How much you stayed within the realistic limitations of your character (A person who is unable to walk suddenly runs a mile is not very realistic). Also how well you incorporate injuries they have sustained.
IC: How well you stayed in character
Writing: How well you depicted your imagery, explanations, and actions throughout the quest. This plays the smallest role in the judging, but it is one you should pay attention to.


Can you fail a Quest, if so, how?

Quest can be failed in a number of ways, failure to perform in one or more of the things listed above can factor into your character failing the quest.


Can I role play the Oracle?

No, only staff members are allowed to be the Oracle. If anyone without permission plays the Oracle their quest will automatically fail and they'll be banned from questing for a time. If continued violations of this rule persist that person will be banned from questing and possibly the site indefinitely, the quests may also be taken down.



.Character Jobs

What is an occupation?

A character's occupation is their IC job, this is used for the character jobs.


What is a job

A job is similar to a quest but is given by members rather then the Oracle. Jobs offer treasure or items as payment to get something done in the plot. Lets say you want a certain character assassinated, or a prized item stolen but you don't want to get your own hands dirty. Creating a job thread allows other members who's characters have the skills to do the job to apply and gain work. See more information at the job thread.


My character is a mercenary/assassin, can he/she be paid real treasure for doing jobs?

If this is what was arranged between the two members, the employer and the hired worker, then yes.


How do I make job offers?

Create a thread in the job section and wait for someone to reply.


How do I apply for jobs?

Simply post in the job thread you wish to apply for, following the rules listed by the employer.


No one posted in my job thread/responded to my job offers what do I do?

Try rewriting your thread, maybe the way you explained the job/your skills or a lack of explanation has made it dull. If you're hiring, try bringing up the payment, or making it more exciting for people. If this doesn't work you can always post in the want adds or plot out a job with people before hand, just make sure to never give up or let yourself get discouraged, perhaps making a new job will bring more interest.


What if someone replies to the same job offer at the same time as me, who gets the job?

unless the job calls for only one person both people may take on the job and work together as a team, or work to hinder one another. If the job is for a single character the employer will choose the one they feel best suits their needs.


What happens if I quit the job or the employer cancels/goes inactive?

If you quit the job you fail and must pay a fee, half of what you may have earned, for dropping out. If the employer suddenly backs out they must pay you the amount they had promised upon job completion. If the employer goes inactive treasure will be given to you by the staff.




What is a Hunt?

Hunt are special events held every few months that allow members to earn various prizes. A Hunt is exactly what its name suggests, characters team together to hunt a specific creature. A staff member or trusted member role plays the targeted beast to present a challenge for you and your character. You are given a specific time to finish this hunt thread, within three weeks of its start, if the thread is not finished in time the hunt is deemed an automatic failure. More info can be found in the hunt thread.


Can all characters participate in hunts



Will the characters remember who everyone is if they meet outside of the hunt afterwards?

This is up to you


If my character has met another character before the hunt does that mean they know them?

This is up to you


If my character's enemy is on the hunt are they still enemies?

All hostilities must be muted, your character can be hostile and insult that person if they wish but they must work together. These hunts are set outside the FAAB's normal role plays allowing anyone who wants to participate in the hunt to enter. Remember the success or failure of the hunt does depend on team work, among other things.
