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PostSubject: Our Advertisement   Our Advertisement I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 30, 2013 2:13 am

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One nations has fallen, only two remain. The pirates, in order to survive, have sided with the small but spirited nation of Steva. The deities watch on as their worshipers repeat the past sins of long dead civilizations, the gods of split, their forces had divided between the two warring nations.

Everyone is out to gain something in this war, whether it be power, wealth, peace, freedom, or revenge. The motives of all are muddied, one can never tell of another's intentions. The pirates are known for their black hearted ways, yet they have been erected as heroes and many of the people of Argo look to the pirate clans for their salvation. For they believe that they will overthrow the Argonian government, breaking the chains of bondage and allowing them to become as free as the birds that soar over head.

Which side will you join?
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