Player Alias: I personally do not have any particular name i respond to: if i can tell it's me you're talking to and i don't hate the name i'll respond.
Character's full name: Cairo Roman Saiche
Age: 15 years of age- technically. Realistically her birthday comes only every four years.
Gender: female
Race: Half-human, half-deity
Alliance: pirates
Position: Cairo is a chef. A very good chef.
Starting Weapons: Can i say her charming personality? She's most deadly when she's irritated.
RP sample:
Cairo stirred her pot of soup, it was her first (and hopefully last) cooking test, if she passed the test she'd be one of the youngest officially licensed chef on the war-torn rock of a planet. Not much of an acomplishment for her though, she knew she was a good chef and being the youngest at everything had been a common joke between her and her family -being born on a leapyear on the twenty ninth of February meant that she'd only had three birthdays officially. Cairo brought a spoon out of a drawer beside her leg and tasted the soup. It was missing something. She'd followed the recipe exactly but it needed a twist, something to bring out the flavour. Cayenne. It needed cayenne, that special spice that grew on the earth quite well, the spice that Cairo absolutely adored.
Cairo found the cayenne with some difficulty, despite it's uses the poor spice was rarely used in these tests and it had been pushed to the back of the spice cupboard. It took only seconds to put together a plan into which the cayenne would be added to the soup- as a garnish. Cairo found some fancy bowls in one cupboard far below by the floor, and some just as fancy silver spoons in a different shelf. She laddled soup into the pristine white bowls and sprinkled much more cayenne than necessary into the bowls, stiring some of the cayenne into the soup with a spoon as she sprinkled it. The dark spice contrasted perfectly with the white cream of the soup and the silver of the spoons matched well unexpectedly. She grinned as she left the building not fifteen minutes later with a small certificate in hand.